Westek Decorative Indoor Weekly Segment Timer, TM07WHB


SKU: X278-344674 Categories: ,


Format: Retail Pkg
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The automatic way tocontrol your lights or appliances

Product Information

Automatically control your lights and appliances with the WestekDecorative Indoor Weekly Segment Timer. Now, you can set your lightsand appliances to turn on and off whenever you choose up to 96 timesthroughout the week. It’s ideal for those who travel or those who comehome late at night. It features non-removable pegs, so you never haveto worry about losing them, as well as a decorative cover that protectsthe controls when not in use. Plus, the timer accepts three-pronggrounded plugs for compatibility with heavy duty appliances like airconditioners.

Product Features
  • Set your lights and appliances to turn on and offautomatically up to 96 times per week
  • Ideal for use while you’re traveling or when you come homelate
  • Made with non-removable pegs to prevent programming pegsfrom getting lost
  • Grounded design accepts lights and appliances that featurethree-prong plugs
  • Designed for use with lights or even air conditioners andheavy appliances
  • Features a decorative cover that hides and protects thecontrols when not in use

  • Timer
  • Instructions

  • Color: White
  • Compatibility: 15A, 1875WResistive; 8A, 1000W Tungsten
  • Plug Type: Accepts 3-prong groundedplugs
  • Minimum Time Setting: 1 hour 45 minutes
  • Max. Number of Settings: 96 per week
  • Dimensions: 2.9″ x 2.9″ x 2″ (W x H xD, Approx)
  • Warranty: One Year Limited ManufacturerWarranty